Re: JPA Stuff

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2008 - 09:38:01 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik (JIRA): "[JIRA] Created: (CAY-952) Generate OUTER joins for flattened attributes in a SelectQuery"

    Hi Kevin,

    Cayenne JPA provider broadly covers the entire spec, but there are
    lots of holes. There are big ones like the stuff related to enhancer,
    which is _not_ a good place to start. There are a number of smaller
    ones. One possible approach would be to continue writing the
    integration tests, picking any spec chapter, and every time you
    stumble on an unexpected behavior, investigate why a test fails, and
    devise a fix.

    Another approach that may turn to be the most productive on the long
    run is to set you up to do the TCK testing. I am running the TCK now
    locally. I can't share any details on the public list because of the
    NDA, except that the process gives you a good sense of direction.

    If you are interested to proceed with the TCK path, we'll need to
    contact Geir to file your NDA. If not (or in the meantime while your
    TCK access is processed), we can discuss specific areas that need help.


    On Jan 2, 2008, at 9:01 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    > Andrus,
    > I've finally gotten around to printing out a copy of the JPA spec.
    > Previously I had read the first chapter or so from the PDF, but I hate
    > reading 200 page documents on a screen, so I gave that up. What's a
    > good starting point for getting my feet wet with the JPA
    > implementation?
    > I see you have a lot of JIRAs indicating todo items, but is there
    > anything sort of master list of say everything in chapter 1 is done,
    > chapter 2 is partially completed, etc.?
    > Thanks,
    > Kevin

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