Re: Runtime relationships leak into CayenneModeler

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2008 - 13:38:34 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: Runtime relationships leak into CayenneModeler"

    On Feb 12, 2008, at 12:39 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > I think the 4 - 6 week is a sweetspot.
    > As is, it takes us 2 - 3 weeks to get a release out the door. So
    > waiting
    > upwards of 10 + 3 seems like a really long time to me.

    So we are in agreement, as I really meant 10 - 3 (6-10 weeks as
    perceived by the users). As a side note, would be nice to cut down on
    the time we spend preparing the release. If we do it often enough, I
    suspect we'll have fewer issues with assemblies (something that I
    assume most of us are really testing vs. the testing actual framework
    code), so it is realistic to streamline the process.


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