Re: Extended Enumerations

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2008 - 11:41:44 EST

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    Hi Marcin,

    When I split up the enum type handling (standard versus extended) as
    suggested by Andrus, I can clean up that EnumType<T extends Enum<T>>
    bit, I think. The current EnumType which I checked in is supporting
    two different types of enum, some of which implement
    ExtendedEnumeration and some which do not, so I couldn't lock it down
    to ExtendedEnumeration.

    I believe for other custom extended types to auto-register themselves,
    they'd have to implement an interface so Cayenne could map the values.
     It has been a long time since I looked specifically at that. Perhaps
    Andrus or another will correct me if I'm wrong on that matter. I'm
    not saying it wouldn't be nice, though.



    On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Marcin Skladaniec <> wrote:
    > Hi
    > The EnumType will be very handy indeed. I've read the code and have a
    > couple of questions:
    > EnumType<T extends Enum<T>> made my head square and then round again,
    > I dont understand it. Wouldn't a simpler EnumType<T extends
    > ExtendedEnumeration> do ?
    > Would that be possible to make so all the ExtendedTypes (or just
    > EnumType) would be auto-registered in the Node ? I believe it could
    > be done during the configuration initialization or when the node is
    > first accessed. Right now all the extended types must be registered,
    > and if you forget to do so it will only come up when the
    > materializeObject() method lookup will fail (from my experience
    > setJdbcObject will work somehow using enum ordinal() and will not
    > throw any exception).
    > From different perspective: why would someone add a custom java type
    > as a attribute and not register it ? Maybe it should be another part
    > of the model/modeler where user defines available java types together
    > with their *Type classes ?
    > Best regards
    > Marcin
    > -------------------------->
    > ish
    > Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
    > phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
    > On 03/03/2008, at 3:13 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > > First cut is checked into SVN. If no problems, I'll add a couple more
    > > features sometime. I especially want to add localization support for
    > > GUI developers.
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > >
    > > /dev/mrg
    > >
    > > PS. Ari, I've never used ROP and I think you are the big ROP guy. If
    > > you get a chance sometime, please test it a bit with ROP and let me
    > > know if there are issues. Thanks!

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