command line mapping generation

From: Tomi N/A (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 11:49:04 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: command line mapping generation"

    I would like to be able to generate database mappings from the command line.
    I have glimpsed into DbLoader source as a first step (and have
    questions about it), but would like to hear your opinions about how
    this should be done (there was some talk of it on the users list).

    The use case would be using the GUI to set up everything (classpaths,
    DataSources etc.) and _then_ use the command line refering to existing
    data sources.
    Even better, it would be great if I could bypass it completely and
    just specify the jdbc driver class and the database connection string
    and generate a mapping with most of the parameters you can now set
    from the GUI.


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