Re: 3.0 M4 Release Vote

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Tue May 20 2008 - 09:28:10 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: 3.0 M4 Release Vote"

    On 19/05/2008, at 2:05 AM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > 3.0M4 has been a long time coming. We've got a lot of new features
    > and
    > important bug fixes added. I've prepared assemblies for Windows,
    > Mac, and
    > others here:
    > Please test them out and vote for the release accordingly.

    +1 on the Cayenne jars. They are working well in our Swing application
    under ROP.

    But there is a problem with Cayenne modeler under OSX 10.5.2. The left
    panel does not resize wider than about 50 pixels. Not large enough to
    see the contents of the jtree. Can anyone confirm this behaviour or is
    it specific to my preferences or setup?


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