Re: 3.0 M4 Release Vote

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Tue May 20 2008 - 19:19:11 EDT

  • Next message: Tore Halset: "Re: 3.0 M4 Release Vote"

    On 20/05/2008, at 11:49 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > On May 20, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    >> +1 on the Cayenne jars. They are working well in our Swing
    >> application under ROP.
    >> But there is a problem with Cayenne modeler under OSX 10.5.2. The
    >> left panel does not resize wider than about 50 pixels. Not large
    >> enough to see the contents of the jtree. Can anyone confirm this
    >> behaviour or is it specific to my preferences or setup?
    > This behavior has actually been around for a while. I just
    > downloaded the 3.0M3 modeler again to verify. It can be annoying,
    > so I'd suggest opening up a JIRA. But, it's not anything new that I
    > know of.

    Fine. Then +1 for the release if this isn't actually a regression. But
    I think it is a pretty important fix... I've been looking and it
    appears that EditorView adds *all* of the possible editors into a
    CardLayout for the right panel. (DataDomainView, DataNodeEditor, etc.)
    But I think this means that every one of those layouts is checked when
    considering how wide the right panel is drawn, so any of those layouts
    might be preventing the right panel getting smaller.

    On the plus side this approach means that the splitter doesn't jump
    around when moving between editors, but on the minus, the splitter
    seems to get oddly stuck when it looks like it should be able to move.


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