Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-911) CM Usability: JComboBox Autocompletion

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Fri May 23 2008 - 01:51:55 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik (JIRA): "[jira] Commented: (CAY-981) merge: faster junit tests"

    Well, 'the second' patch, which was originally the first was my first one
    and it is really bad-maken. Sorry for that, and it must be deleted.

    I do think we want to handle auto-completion for ObjAttributes. In my
    > experience, that's the combo box I'm most likely to start typing entries
    > into. Also, I've just checked out CM and it looks to me like the
    > ObjAttribute choices are sorted alphabetically. Since this is provided as a
    > reason for not using auto-completion, please let me know if I'm mistaken.

    Not exactly. You may see that 'byte' is quite far away from 'byte[]'. So if
    i want to select 'byte[]', and i type 'byte', 'byte[]' cannot be seen
    anywhere around. The problem is that auto-completion is now implemented as
    automatical search in combobox for a matching item and selecting it.
    Probably better solution would be to include in drop-down list only matching
    items - then 'byte' and 'byte[]' would be near each other no matter how
    close they were in original combo.

    I also found the combo box editor deletion logic a bit odd. It didn't
    > actually delete what I typed, but rather changed the highlighted area. It
    > was quite confusing. Any chance we can make the backspace key actually
    > delete the selected text?

    Of course we can. The reason here is that that combobox doesn't allow
    anything that its predefined items. So selected item is always one of
    model's choices. Alternatively, we could set the item here only on 'enter'
    and cancel on focus lost (or set also on focus lost).

    Finally, CayenneWidgetFactory uses magic numbers for the maximum row
    > count. Please use a static field for such values.

    Understood. I'll do that in the next patch.

    So how must a new patch be made? It should contain full auto-completion code
    or be 'a patch to previous patch'? And please let me know whether you agree
    or not with suggestions above.

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