Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1062) Code Generation line ending consistency: ImportUtils

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2008 - 08:17:21 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1062) Code Generation line ending consistency: ImportUtils"

    On Jun 2, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Kevin Menard (JIRA) wrote:

    > Correct. But the Velocity templates in the Windows artifacts can
    > use Windows EOL, the Mac artifacts Mac EOL, and the tarballs Linux
    > EOL.

    I am strongly -1 on it. This assumes that Cayenne runtimes jars from
    our "windows" download will be used on Windows - an unwarranted
    assumption (as you mentioned yourself later in the comment).

    > This would obviate the need for maintaining multiple versions of the
    > Velocity templates that only differ by EOL.

    I am not advocating having multiple templates. If we want platform
    line endings, we should do something smarter, like intercepting that
    at the Writer used by template or similar.

    > Granted, this isn't as foolproof as a runtime OS check -- e.g.,
    > there's nothing stopping me from using the tarball on Windows and
    > getting the wrong EOL. I suspect this isn't a case that arises
    > frequently, except when a user grabs an artifact from the maven repo.

    It arises all the time. The Maven example is an excellent one, that I
    haven't thought about. But more generally any large group of
    developers, corporate or open source, maven or jars-in-svn, will have
    to deal with it (e.g. develop on Windows, build/deploy on Linux, but
    sometimes on Windows too). I would say cross-platform is not an
    exception - it is the rule.


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