Bug fix day: Sat. June 21, 2008?

From: Kevin Menard (kmenar..ervprise.com)
Date: Wed Jun 18 2008 - 20:39:23 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Wrapping up Cayenne 3.0"

    Hi all,

    One idea I've been meaning to float here is a bug fix day. I know of
    other projects that have had them with at least some degree of success.
    Typically these are a bit larger projects, but they do manage to rope in
    support from non-committers.

    The basic idea is that we're all busy folks and work on Cayenne in our
    spare time. If we could group together for one day and make a concerted
    effort to kill some bugs, the project as a whole benefits. The mean time
    to bug fix is typically lowered because we can bounce ideas off each other
    in IRC in real time and so forth and so on. Ideally we'd even get users
    to contribute some patches.

    I realize that with varying timezones and schedules this can be difficult,
    but it's also a more laid back system. Come and go as you need.

    If no one has any serious problems, I'd like to try the first one this
    coming Sat. and I'll announce it on the user list. It is short notice,
    but my guess is that it really doesn't matter what weekend we use as
    someone is likely to have a scheduling conflict.



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