Re: oracle anyone?

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Sat Jun 21 2008 - 20:05:22 EDT

  • Next message: Tore Halset: "Re: oracle anyone?"

    On 22/06/2008, at 7:26 AM, Tore Halset wrote:

    > Hello.
    > I currently have access to PostgreSQL, Derby, hsql, MySQL and MS SQL
    > Server. I really want to be able to run junit tests on some more
    > databases like Oracle, DB2 and so on. Anyone know how we can set
    > that up?

    If you mean, run Cayenne unit and integration tests, then my goal is
    to install a range of databases in our Cayenne zone and have Hudson
    run them automatically. I've spent quite a few hours on this already,
    but am finding it very difficult to install things in the restricted
    sandbox we have inside the zone. If you have more Solaris experience
    and can navigate around the limits imposed by the zone, I'd love help
    to get them installed. Unfortunately from tomorrow I am travelling for
    a month, so I'll not be very available for a little while.

    It is frustrating because on an OS I know (eg FreeBSD) these things
    would take me several minutes.

    Oracle has a free license for Windows/Linux (but not Solaris I think)
    with the limitation of only being able to create a single database. We
    do our testing in our office with this version running on Windows. You
    have to register on the Oracle web site and they send you endless
    marketing information.

    I tried to extract some better information about licensing from an
    Oracle sales person at the recent CeBIT in Sydney, but I just got some
    smarmy employee who knew little about the licensing and thought that
    Windows and RHEL were the only two 'enterprise' operating systems:
    anyone using something else was worthy of ridicule.

    I was going to ask on infra that someone with root zone access install
    a range of databases for us, but I was going to have one more crack at
    installing mysql first. The Hudson part should be really quite simple.


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