Re: model enhancements for inheritance

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Aug 05 2008 - 10:09:43 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: modeler preference load exception"

    Cool. I also think we need a separate Jira for vertical inheritance.
    Many implementation steps may overlap with horizontal, but this would
    be good for the RELEASE-NOTES and overall clarity.


    On Aug 5, 2008, at 9:45 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > On 05/08/2008, at 11:35 PM, Marcin Skladaniec wrote:
    >> I'm now confused with vertical-horizontal naming. You say vertical,
    >> jira says
    >> horizontal. I guess we talk about the same thing anyway, but just
    >> to be sure: I'm trying to model a database schema where there are 3
    >> tables: Artwork, Painting and Sculpture.
    >> Artwork is an abstract entity with its own table
    >> Painting and Sculpture are extending Artwork, but have their own
    >> tables as well.
    >> You are suggesting that both superclass and subclass should have
    >> PK, this means yet another table in required to link the two
    >> tables. This seems odd to me as the relationship is simple 1..1, is
    >> that a requirement of JPA ?
    >> I'm reading up on JPA, but I cannot find it.
    > I'll have a bit of a chat to Marcin about this on the phone and get
    > him up to speed where this was left off.... I've got some
    > documentation to show him before we need to bring this back on the
    > list.
    > Ari
    > -------------------------->
    > ish
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