
From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Aug 21 2008 - 23:26:44 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Crucible"

    As part of the new Fisheye implementation for Cayenne [1] Atlassian
    have deployed Crucible. This is a code review system which we use at
    ish from time to time and it works really well. Basically a way to
    make comments in any committed code and share the review process.

    It may well be unsuitable for Cayenne since it takes part of the
    development process off the Apache mailing lists and into another tool
    (even though it it open to anyone to view). But I thought I'd raise
    the idea here. Basically, we don't have to use it, but it has been
    offered to us if we want. If you want to try it, just create a login
    on the site.

    In my opinion it provides a tool which is very useful and in many ways
    nicer than lots of TODOs through the code, but it has a very specific
    use which may not work for us. I see some other Apache projects have
    played with it [2]

    Ari Maniatis


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