Weird modeler behavior

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Sep 02 2008 - 06:16:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Weird modeler behavior"

    I have a Mac Modeler build from trunk, just did an rm -rf ~/.cayenne,
    and opened one of my existing projects.

    * Doing Command F to search for an entity; type entity name pattern
    * The window pops up with a list of matching things
    * I select 1 obj entity. Instead of displaying entity editor, the
    right panel goes blank.

    Sometimes this happens on selection of a second entity, not first. I
    also noticed that if I select multiple entities one after another,
    multiple selections are made on the left hand tree. Console log
    doesn't show anything abnormal.

    Sequence of events above completely messes up the modeler. After that
    selecting objects from the tree results in overlapping views and other
    craziness. I can post snapshots if needed.


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