JDBC 4 drivers do not exist

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Fri Oct 10 2008 - 08:46:27 EDT

  • Next message: Anatol Lutski (JIRA): "[jira] Updated: (CAY-1107) Support JDBC 4"

    Looks like none of the JDBC 4 drivers for PostgreSQL, MySQL and Derby
    support SQLXML. MySQL got a little further than PostgreSQL, but it is
    still not close.

    So again we'll have to do a driver's job in Cayenne by mapping
    java.sql.SQLXML to character columns (CLOB, TEXT, etc.). Feels sorta
    meaningless, but I guess we can still go with such implementation for

    Derby and PostgreSQL have a native XML DB type, but reading it in Java
    requires special SQL syntax (XMLPARSE/XMLSERIALIZE) and doesn't seem
    to provide any "optimizations" in XML access from Java. (i.e. it
    converts internal XML representation to String that the Java code
    would have to convert back to XML).

    So that's where we stand on that...


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