Jira changes

From: Aristedes Maniatis (ar..sh.com.au)
Date: Fri Nov 07 2008 - 19:32:49 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Jira changes"

    If I go through and reassign Jira tasks to various milestones, it will
    allow us to generate release notes from Jira and get a clearer
    picture of what is planned for each release. But it seems that it also
    generates lots of emails to the dev list.

    1. Should we point Jira emails to the svn list instead just like
    Confluence emails? I think that is better since it doesn't create so
    much noise. I don't want to discourage potential contributors from
    subscribing to this list. If so, I can't see where this setting lives
    in Jira.

    2. I've changed the default assignee from Andrus to 'unassigned' for
    new tasks. Any objections? That might make it clearer what is being
    worked on.

    3. I'll go through and assign all the M5 tasks which have been done
    and the ones I know are being worked on. If I feel like a mind-numbing
    task one night I'll do a few more earlier milestones as well. Any
    objections to this approach?


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