Release packaging [Was: [VOTE] 3.0M5 Release]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Dec 04 2008 - 03:36:14 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [VOTE] 3.0M5 Release"

    Renaming the thread.

    On Dec 4, 2008, at 10:20 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > 1. I've never known what "dotemplates" means. Could we rename that
    > to something more obvious like "entity templates"

    "Data Object Templates" :-) Anyways, the name is misleading. I don't
    mind if we rename it to something else. "cgen-templates", or something
    like that.

    > 2. Is v1_2 confusing since it doesn't match the Cayenne versioning
    > and there isn't any sense of how 1.2 relates to 3.0M5.

    Since we likely won't be upgrading templates for each and every
    release, the a mismatch between the templates version and Cayenne
    version is sort of natural (not that I like it)... The only place
    where it is exposed to the user is the "version" attribute of cgen,
    where it is marked as deprecated:

    > 3. Can we get rid of the deprecated templates outside the 1.2 folder
    > which really shouldn't be offered for use. If people are already
    > using old templates, then let's support them, but let's not
    > encourage their use.

    If we support the deprecated template, we have to include it in the
    distro somewhere.

    > 4. Should we create a schema for the Cayenne XML format? It should
    > be quite simple I think and Cayenne modeler could even perform
    > integrity checking to ensure generated models match the schema.

    +1. Formalizing the format is good idea. Somebody has to do it though.

    > 5. There should be separation of the third-party libraries into
    > separate folders. Some are needed by Cayenne core, some only by the
    > modeler or cgen (eg velocity) and one by JPA.

    I think it is not worth the maintenance trouble. The intention of each
    library is well documented in the user guide, and we can run into
    categorization overlap issues and such.


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