Re: Strange EOModel import issue

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Mon Mar 16 2009 - 10:04:31 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: March Board report"

    I'm not exactly sure why it happened. And I wasn't suggesting it was
    a priority, either. If I have time, I'll see if I can isolate it
    (since I obviously have the EOModel that triggered it). I just
    double-checked the 25 or so EOFetchSpecifications that got imported
    and the only other anomaly I saw was where "coreUserTypeId <> '0'"
    became "coreUserTypeId != null" on a varchar2(1) column. Again, if I
    have time, I can try to figure it out later.



    On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:30 AM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > Not sure why it didn't work. Certainly worth fixing, although it will be
    > very low priority on my own list (it may be different for others).
    > Andrus
    > On Mar 13, 2009, at 9:56 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    >> I imported an EOModel into Cayenne Modeler and it seemed to go
    >> smoothly until at runtime it blew up trying to parse a qualifier.  I
    >> looked in the Map XML and found (as part of a <query>...</query>:
    >> <qualifier><![CDATA[db: = "OSIS "]]></qualifier>
    >> <ordering><![CDATA[contractNum]]></ordering>
    >> This looked very strange and I went back to the EOModel and it had:
    >> (contractOwner = 'OSIS ')
    >> (Yes, trailing white space and all.)  Clearly the import messed this
    >> particular one up, but I don't know why.  Other EOFetchSpecifications
    >> that were very similar worked fine and eye-balling the other
    >> qualifiers looked OK, too.  I changed the Cayenne XML to:
    >> <qualifier><![CDATA[contractOwner = "OSIS "]]></qualifier>
    >> <ordering><![CDATA[contractNum]]></ordering>
    >> And have moved on.
    >> Any thoughts as to what might have caused this and if it is worth
    >> trying to isolate and fix?
    >> Thanks,
    >> /dev/mrg

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