Re: [CONF] Apache Cayenne Documentation: Caching and Fresh Data (page edited)

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu May 07 2009 - 09:02:32 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: [CONF] Apache Cayenne Documentation: Caching and Fresh Data (page edited)"

    Hi Ari,

    thanks for cleaning this up.

    > not only eliminates the time required to fetch data from the
    > database, but also the time required to instantiate that data into
    > Java objects.

    Here is one note - I think the second part of this sentence is
    redundant. Merging (or non-merging) of the fetched data into an
    existing object as a separate concern is no longer present in Cayenne,
    as 'setRefreshingObjects' has been deprecated, and any executed non-
    cached query results in object refreshing.


    On May 7, 2009, at 8:46 AM, wrote:
    > Page Edited : CAYDOC : Caching and Fresh Data
    > Caching and Fresh Data has been edited by Ari Maniatis (May 07, 2009).
    > Change summary:
    > small clarifications
    > (View changes)
    > Content:
    > Caching and Fresh Data
    > Caching is used by Cayenne to reduce database access and improve
    > performance of your application. Sometimes caching automatically
    > happens behind the scenes, and in other places the user must declare
    > an intent to cache data. Configuring caching parameters beyond the
    > provided reasonable defaults is an art of balancing performance with
    > the need to see the fresh data.
    > The are two types of cache in Cayenne:
    > Query Cache
    > This cache retains the results of a query in memory. When this cache
    > is utilised by the second and successive queries, no further SELECT
    > is performed on the database to determine which records match your
    > query parameters.
    > Object Cache
    > This cache stores the actual objects and not only eliminates the
    > time required to fetch data from the database, but also the time
    > required to instantiate that data into Java objects.
    > As of Cayenne 3.0, two types of caches (individual object and query
    > results) are separate from each other. Query cache can be extended
    > and managed, while individual object cache has fewer configuration
    > options - just max size and synchronization strategy. There are
    > plans to reconcile both caches in the following releases.
    > Sections
    > • Individual object caching
    > • Query result caching
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