Re: [CONF] Apache Cayenne Website: Cayenne 3.0M6 Released (25 May 2009) (news created)

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Wed May 27 2009 - 09:37:55 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [CONF] Apache Cayenne Website: Cayenne 3.0M6 Released (25 May 2009) (news created)"

    This is the most wordy (and slightly controversial) release note I've
    written. I'll leave it 24 hours if anyone has amendments to this
    before I touch the front page to have it update, and send to the email


    On 27/05/2009, at 11:32 PM, wrote:

    > New News: CAYSITE : Cayenne 3.0M6 Released (25 May 2009)
    > Cayenne 3.0M6 Released (25 May 2009) has been created by Ari
    > Maniatis (May 27, 2009).
    > Content:
    > Another release on the journey to Cayenne 3.0! This milestone adds a
    > plethora of new features including quoting of identifiers (useful
    > for db column names with spaces), nested contexts in ROP, and EJBQL/
    > SQLTemplate/ProcedureQuery queries now support the full range of
    > configuration options available to native SelectQueries. The Modeler
    > received new features such schema analysis on startup (which can
    > prompt the user to create or upgrade the database schema) and
    > support for EJBQL. Naturally, lots of bug fixes have also made it
    > into Cayenne in the last 5 months since the previous milestone.
    > In response to user demand, the Cayenne team have also decided to
    > not target JPA compliance for 3.0, and instead focus on further
    > improvements to the range and flexibility of the native API.
    > Although Cayenne may return to focus on JPA in the future, the work
    > done already (such as lifecycle events, EJBQL, etc) has been very
    > useful and will remain important parts of Cayenne for everyone to
    > use. Cayenne's clean and powerful API is one of the main reasons
    > users choose this library and focussing our efforts there is our
    > primary goal.
    > We hope you enjoy this latest release. There will probably be only
    > one more release with new features before 3.0 is settled into beta
    > testing, so we encourage everyone to try this latest milestone, and
    > report back to us with any important missing functionality. We have
    > several developers who track Cayenne trunk reasonably closely in
    > production systems, so we are confident of the stability of this
    > release. It is likely that there will be some API changes before the
    > final 3.0 is released.
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    Aristedes Maniatis
    phone +61 2 9660 9700
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