Adding enums?

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Wed Sep 23 2009 - 10:24:42 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Adding enums?"

    Should we add more enums to the code? For example, in,
    there are these constants:

    public static final boolean ASC = true;
    public static final boolean DESC = false;

    However, there is no enum to represent the options. The constructors look like:

    public Ordering(String sortPathSpec, boolean ascending) ...

    There is nothing to encourage/enforce the usage of the constants, so
    you tend to see "true" and "false" being used. Even in our

    query.addOrdering("artistName", true);
    Ordering ordering = new Ordering("artistName", true);

    To the new (or even experienced) user, seeing "true" there tends to
    have no meaning. I (and some of the people I've been showing Cayenne
    to here) would rather see something like:

    Ordering ordering = new Ordering("artistName", OrderingDirection.ASCENDING);

    One guy even suggested something like:

    Ordering ordering = new AscendingOrdering("artistName");

    That is more concise and still explicit, but would obviously require
    even more code changes (probably). Especially when adding the case
    insensitive stuff.




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