release folder structure

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Oct 29 2009 - 05:11:11 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: release folder structure"

    In the OSX dmg I can see several files I don't understand.


    Well, I do understand the last one, but I don't know why it is there since we already ship

    Also, why do we have META-INF inside the src directory? Let's get rid of it.

    I'd like to see the 'dotemplates' folder renamed to "entity templates" (hey this is 2009 we are allowed to use spaces) and placed at the top level.

    Finally, let's remove the cayenne-3.0B1 folder. So the results would be like this:

      - lib
        - cayenne-client-3.0.jar
        - cayenne-server-3.0.jar
        - third-party
      - src
        - org
      - entity templates
      - doc
        - README.txt
        - LICENSE.txt
        - RELEASE-NOTES.txt
        - NOTICE.txt
        - UPGRADE.txt
        - KEYS
        - documentation
        - schema
        - javaDoc
          - api
          - images
          - style.css
          - index.html

    I'd make some changes to these myself, but every attempt I have had at changing maven config hasn't resulted in happiness...

    I think this makes the content more obvious and more accessible to new users.



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