Re: RC2 is coming

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Jan 17 2010 - 06:19:48 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "[VOTE] Release 3.0RC2"

    Looks like there was a lapse in our release evaluation procedure. I
    just tried running rat tool and found a bunch of modeler Java files
    without Apache license headers.

    Also found a file contributed earlier by third-party that seems to
    have been taken from a Sun Java Swing tutorial. Can't find it on the
    Sun Java site anymore, but here is the clone of that tutorial on some
    random site [1], and I am pretty sure it came from Sun. When I applied
    that contribution patch, there was no way to tell it is not the
    original work of the contributor, but when I was doing the review
    today, I noticed some strange comments in the source, and stumbled on
    that tutorial. Since Sun has specific license terms for redistribution
    of their tutorial source [2] and StringTransferHandler is pretty
    trivial, I just rewrote it, and deleted the original.

    So now we are clear to go with RC2, but we may need to add the rat
    plugin to the Maven build going forward.



    On Jan 16, 2010, at 7:31 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > just checked in the tutorial. I guess we are good to tag the build.
    > Will do that either tonight or in the next couple of days.
    > Andrus

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