Re: How to run 2 queries in same connections.

From: Evgeny Ryabitskiy (
Date: Wed Jan 20 2010 - 11:58:26 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: [VOTE] Release 3.0RC2"

    Tried both InternalTransaction and ExternalTransaction for it...

    InternalTransaction - helps. connections is same.

    ExternalTransaction - not. Connection ID is changed.... :/


    12 января 2010 г. 11:08 пользователь Рябицкий Евгений
    <> написал:
    > Hello 2 everyone!
    > I have one potential problem:
    > We have stored procedure on MS SQL Server. It's doing some job and return result in special table marked with connection id ..SPID).
    > So next query is to get result: SELECT * FROM SpecTable WHERE spid =..SPID
    > So these 2 queries should be in same connection (to have same..SPID).
    > In first solution there was huge transaction wrapping around this 2 queries and I think there was same connection.
    > But for performance proposes I can't use one huge transaction, so I switched to explicit transaction (to not have any transaction).
    > Now I am not sure how to make sure that these queries are performed in same connections???
    > Evgeny.

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