Re: Supported versions

From: Malcolm Edgar (
Date: Thu May 20 2010 - 10:45:34 UTC

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    On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    >>> Are we advanced enough to have a formal policy of supporting two major
    >>> versions of Cayenne? If so, something we should put on the web site?
    > Absolutely. I think we do need a clear road map and a page on the website
    > (not on wiki) listing what releases we support and what is the sunset date
    > for the oldest of those. When closing the Jiras against discontinued
    > releases, we need to make sure they do not affect newer releases, otherwise
    > such jiras simply need to be rescheduled.
    > Now the question of what we put on that road map. here are my thoughts:
    > 1. Now: I think that while 1.2 and 2.0 are the same thing, it helps if we
    > announce now that we stopped supporting 1.2. 1.2 adds to the effort of
    > preparing a release, as it is done from SourceForge infrastructure. So lets
    > encourage the upgrade.
    > 2. Nearest future: I'd also like to discontinue support for 2.0.x at some
    > point (maybe after we have a 3.0.1 maintenance out). The upgrade path to 3.0
    > is rather trivial, so I don't see why we should keep it around. Also the new
    > 3.1 doesn't support upgrade from 2.0, only from 3.0, so this is yet another
    > reason to encourage people to upgrade now to avoid pain in the future.
    > Evgeny, you committed a bunch of fixes to the 2.0 branch, so maybe you can
    > give us your point of view on that. I am open to anything, including making
    > a 2.0.5 before announcing 2.0.x sunset, or keeping it around longer, but if
    > we have no good reasons to expect a 2.0.6, I'd rather we encourage our users
    > to upgrade to 3.0.
    > Andrus
    > On May 11, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    >> 1.2 and 2.0 are the same release, though. Just different package spaces.
    >> On May 11, 2010, at 5:08 AM, Aristedes Maniatis <> wrote:
    >>> You'll notice that I tagged the 1.2 release on the site as "archived"
    >>> that is to imply it is not going to get future updates. Should I close the
    >>> Jira tasks associated with it and should we send out a formal announcement
    >>> of the end of life of that version?
    >>> Are we advanced enough to have a formal policy of supporting two major
    >>> versions of Cayenne? If so, something we should put on the web site?
    >>> Ari
    >>> --
    >>> -------------------------->
    >>> Aristedes Maniatis
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