Re: [VOTE] 3.0.1 - reloaded

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Sat Aug 28 2010 - 17:53:37 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [VOTE] 3.0.1 - reloaded"

    signatures match: yes
    checksums match: yes
    source included: yes
    source builds and tests pass: yes
    source compares with (revision 990388):
    yes, as far as I can tell.

    diff -rq cayenne-3.0.1-src/ cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1/ | grep -v ': .svn' |
    grep -v ': .cvsignore'
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//assembly/src/main: assembly
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//build-tools/maven-cayenne-build-plugin/src:
    Only in
    Guide: DataViews
    Only in
    Guide/Deployment: Deployment with Ant
    Only in
    Guide/Design: Object Caching
    Only in
    Guide: Quick Start
    Only in
    Object Persistence Guide: Remote Object Persistence Quick Start
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//docs/doc/src/main/resources: schema
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//docs: quick-start
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//docs: quick-start-rop
    Only in cayenne-3.0.1-src/: eclipse
    Only in
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//framework/cayenne-jdk1.6-unpublished/src:
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//itests/itest-common/src/main: resources
    Only in cayenne-3.0.1-src/: LICENSE.txt
    Only in cayenne-3.0.1-src/: NOTICE.txt
    Only in cayenne-svn-tags-3.0.1//tutorials/tutorial/src/main/java/org:

    comparison of builds of generic assembly jars from svn and from source
    release package are equivalent (except build dates): yes
    comparison of builds of generic assembly jars from source release and maven
    install build from source release are equivalent (except build dates): yes

    LICENSE file: yes
    NOTICE file: yes

    We still don't have any instructions for how to build the source in an
    obvious place in the source page -- I had to go to our new web page.
    Probably doesn't have to hold up the release, but it should be dealt with.

    From a PMC point of view: +1

    From an end-user of the src/generic-binary packages: +0 -- Runtime untested
    beyond the basic tests during build as I don't have any Cayenne 3.0
    projects. I did find it confusing that we have the modeler jar in the lib
    directory, but the one that's actually runnable is in the bin directory.
    Probably just the wrong expectations on my part, though. Trivial issue
    which probably doesn't need to be addressed.

    Modeler ran fine against the tutorial project cayenne.xml. I didn't have
    time to go through the documented tutorial. I also didn't see any quick
    way to run the provided tutorial to use that as a test, although with more
    time, I could have figured out how to load it into Eclipse and configured it
    to run on jetty.

    On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 3:00 AM, Andrus Adamchik <>wrote:

    > So here is a new set of 3.0.1 release files, with a source file, and binary
    > files built from that source (and not from SVN or git). The only noteable
    > difference is that there's no "src" folder in the binary distros, making
    > them ~2M smaller. NOTICE file was fixed as well.
    > Please evaluate and cast your votes.
    > Andrus

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Sat Aug 28 2010 - 17:54:52 UTC