Cayenne Examples (Art Catalog)

From: Andrei Adamchik (
Date: Mon Apr 02 2001 - 17:30:02 EDT


I created a sample database that I suggest to use for testing of our
ongoing project. It is called "Art Catalog" (I guess everybody is bored
enough with bookstores, company organizational charts and car tracking
systems). It is very simple, I just tried to express as many database
scenarios as possible (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one relationships,
misc data types including blobs....).

GIF file with schema and Oracle and Sybase SQL scripts to generate it can
be extracted from CVS, module name
"ObjectStyle/cayenne/doc/examples/art_catalog". Anyone using other
databases should be able to convert it easily to your target syntax. If you
do that, please check in your version to CVS as well.

I suggest we create an XML map file for this schema (using SQL92 to start
with) and check it to CVS. This way any changes to map format can be easily
propagated to developer local test applications.

Misha mentioned that he and Co. might start on classes that a. load and
parse (and save back modified) map files and b. reverse engineer existing
databases to generate maps. This may be a good test case (it can become a
tutorial in the future).

In the meantime I am switching from DataObjects (check out relationship
handling - I already have some code) to DataNodes and actual database access.


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