Cayenne milestone

From: Andrei Adamchik (
Date: Sun Jun 17 2001 - 00:02:52 EDT


I just wanted to announce cayenne milestone build (CVS tag "rel-0-2-0").


1. Auto generated primary key.

2. Translation of Query objects to "INSERT", "DELETE" "UPDATE" and "SELECT"

3. Connection pooling.

4. Transparent multiple database access (that can be further organized in

5. !!! DataContext (EOEditingContext analog for WO folk) can now register
DataObjects and commit all modifications (new, modified, deleted objects)
to the database without single line of SQL on the user side.

6. Database login information can be stored in a user home directory in a
separate XML file (which is much more secure and easier to configure then
storing it in config files). Second option (storing it in config files) is
also available as a secondary choice.

7. Utilities that replace key-value coding. (See

Missing features:

1. GUI? What is the status of this ? (I know I promised the images, but
haven't delivered yet, sorry).

2. Proper relationship handling (I was kind of waiting for the GUI tools to
be able to create advanced maps, maybe I should hack a command line EOModel
converter to use WebObjects EOModer as a GUI tool??)

3. Easy way to build queries. (I started QueryHelper class for the backend
needs, it should be extended to help mere mortals).


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