Java 1.3 -> 1.4 migration

From: Andrei Adamchik (
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 19:56:56 EST

  • Next message: Andrei Adamchik: "New source tree"


    you may remember earlier Andriy's suggestions to migrate to JSDK 1.4 . Now
    that Sun is very close to releasing 1.4 officially (now it is at beta 3), I
    figured there is a clear benefit for us to do the migration:

    1. We get rid of a bunch of 3rd party jars in our installation (xerces,
    log4j, potentially regexp)
    2. J2EE installation is not required.
    3. This migration would've been done sonner or later anyways.

    I just checked in half-broken code converted to 1.4 . It compiles, but I
    haven't tried to run it yet. Also note that all unused JAR files are gone
    from the lib directory.

    On a side note: after messing with different IDE's, I finally settled on
    jEdit ( - it is very lean, stable and integrates with ant, etc.
    Much better then netbeans or JBuilder Personal.


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