Re: GUI question

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 14:39:33 EST

  • Next message: Andrei Adamchik: "Fwd: RE: GUI question"


    do you know what the problem might be?


    I haven't looked at the code, but validation screen only has "Close"
    button. Does it attempt to save when "Close" is clicked, I thought there
    was going to be 2 buttons "Save Anyway" and "Cancel".

    Andriy Shapochka wrote:

    > As my work on DataMap validation had advanced to the phase when the
    > corresponding GUI (DataMapValidatorPanel) may be put in action (or test,
    > at least) I unsuccessfully tried to create a new valid DataMap with
    > Modeler. Should I wait until Modeler allows enough operations on DataMap
    > and start working on some other issues?

    > Also, I believe Henry mentioned
    > the early spring as a kind of milestone for the GUI.

    > Does it affect any

    > our plans?

    I wouldn't say we have a deadline, it just would be nice to prepare
    a demo to a potential customer ASAP. But since many of us work on it
    using personal time, there is no schedule and no deadline.

    > Just sorta want to bring my internal timetable up to date :).

    There are plenty of other things we may need ;-). We will discuss some
    of them offline.

    > Thanks.
    > Andriy.

    - Andrei (a.k.a. Andrus) Adamchik
    email: andrus at objectstyle dot org

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