Configuration Files Proposal

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 14:12:13 EST

  • Next message: Anton Apolit: "new project file format"

    Anton and others

    Our current configuration, though very flexible, turns out to be hard to
    use. I am thinking about a new approach. Here is what it is:


    1. GUI tool will have a notion of a project (project==domain). This way
    GUI toll will be project oriented and will let keep things together.

    2. When a project is being started, user is asked where the project
    should be located. "cayenne_config" directory is created in selected
    place (on save, I guess).

    3. All project XML files will go to this directory

    4. If we want files from other directories to be added, they are copied
    to this directory.

    5. "Open Project" command will ask for "cayenne_config" location and
    will look for "domain.xml" file within it. If not found, one may be

    6. Maps and nodes are loaded based on the contents of domain.xml

    7. Domain XML will no longer use URL's of maps and nodes, rather tags
    would look like:

    <domain ..>
            <node name="n1" location="n1.xml"/>
            <map name="m1" location="m1.xml"/>

    Location will be treated relative to cayenne_config directory (instead
    of 5 different options now)

    8. ".cayennepass.xml" will be gone. Passwords will be saved in node.xml
    files (this should be an option - users might keep these fields empty)


    1. "cayenne_config" is placed where class loaded can find it. (This can
    be root of class hierarchy or root of a JAR file.

    2. to allow alternative database connection on each workstation/server,
    user can create ".cayenne" directory in his HOME dir. any node files
    that match names specified in "location" field of domain.xml will be
    first looked up relative to $HOME/.cayenne and only then in cayenne_config.

    Let me know if you see any holes or inconsistencies with this approach.

    - Andrei (a.k.a. Andrus) Adamchik
    email: andrus at objectstyle dot org

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