new config package

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 17:42:10 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "System Upgrade"

    I just checked in new configuration package. It is unfinished, and old
    code is still there, but this would give an idea of where this whole
    thing is going.


    could you take a look at org.objectstyle.cayenne.conf ? Do you think
    this will cover your needs? You were asking how to save physical file
    locations of domains and their parts for the GUI. I think the answer is
    - subclass DefaultConfiguration to add methods that return this data.

    I designed Configuration class as a template for different
    implementations that search for domains and maps in their own ways. So
    far DefaultConfiguration is the one concrete implementation. We can also
    create GUIConfiguration (and I was thinking about ServletConfiguration
    as well). Alternatively you can work with DomainHelper class directly,
    writing your own wrapper, but I would prefer extending Configuration idea.

    As for nodes, they are always created the same way. Only their
    DataSources are loaded differently via DataSourceFactory. (Now I started
    DriverDataSourceFactory that wraps JDBC Driver into a DataSource, more
    are coming).

    I will keep working on cleaning this up, and replacing the old stuff.
    Till then, sorry for all the "deprecated" mess.

    - Andrei (a.k.a. Andrus) Adamchik
    email: andrus at objectstyle dot org

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