Re: EJB & Cayenne transactional behavior

From: Johnny Ren (
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 20:42:07 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "Re: EJB & Cayenne transactional behavior"


    I am new to Cayenne project. I will be very likely to
    join your project two weeks from now after I finish my
    SUN certified java programmer test.

    I do have some questions regarding the transactional
    behavior topic.

    1: the topic itself
    > "Transactional behavior of Cayenne when used for
    > data persistence in
    > Stateful Session Beans".

    Why do you only mention Stateful Session Beans ? Do
    you plan to use different strategy for Stateless
    Session Beans, Stateful Session Beans and BMP ?

    It seems to me that only one strategy should be used
    for those beans.

    2: transaction attributes
    > by the container. Furthermore there are 3 types of
    > EJB transaction
    > attributes:

    The attributes you mentioned are CMP attribute. They
    are not applied to Session beans and BMP.

    Do you want to mimic CMP behavior ? I think it is a
    good idea to do that.

    3: your questions
    > - in "SessionSynchronization.beforeCommit" Cayenne
    > should write changes
    > to the database, but shouldn't attempt to commit
    > explicitly, leaving
    > this to the EJB server. Is this correct?

    I don't understand this question. Are you talking
    about CMP ? CMP does not need DAO.

    4: suggestion:

    you may want to use XML file to define the
    transactional behavior of Cayenne to mimic CMP.

    Johnny Ren

    Johnny Ren
    Software Engineer

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