Re: Nightly build problems

From: Robert John Andersen (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 18:59:23 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "Re: Nightly build problems"

    On Mon, 2002-05-06 at 10:21, Andrus wrote:

        At 11:22 AM 5/4/2002 -0400, Robert John Andersen wrote:
    >I download the 5/4 nightly build and have run into somethings that the
    >previous version I had didn't run into.
    >1) When printing out retrieved objects, the char attributes are huge. The
    >text at the beginning is correct, but there are like
    > 18 blank lines after the text.
    >2) Same thing happens for the sql generated when traversing a relationship:
    >SELECT <some columns> WHERE <some column> = ? [params: 'ZZZ
        I tried to reproduce this, and I couldn't. Space padding problem is most
        likely related to Oracle issue you reported before
        I will take a look at it tomorrow when I get back home and have access to
        Oracle. With MySQL that I run on my laptop no padding occurs. I think MySQL
        driver works differently from Oracle.

    Its not limited to Oracle jdbc driver, its the way that Oracle handles
    it. This happens with WebObjects 4.5 which doesn't use jdbc but the
    native Oracle drivers. Sybase used to work this way, don't know if they
    currently do.

    >Exception in thread "main"
    >org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: One and only one object
    >can match object id, found 0
    > at
    > org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContext.refetchObject(
    > at
    > org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject.readProperty(
    > at _MyType.getBeTypeDesc(
    > at TestCayenne.main(
    >If I switch back to the previous cayenne version I have everything works
        I wonder if this is the same padding issue as above. Does "MyType" entity
        defines any primary key columns that have type "CHAR"?
        Even if it does, I think it is strange that the code works on 5/3 build and
        doesn't on 5/4, since there are no changes between the 2 in any of the
        access classes. Only in class generator and automatic PK generator. Could
        you confirm that your application code is the same (including generated
        classes) when you switch between cayenne releases?

    It wasn't the 5/3 build that I was using it was CVS from 4/25. The code
    was the same because all I did was switch my CAYENNE_HOME from one
    version to the other, source .bash_profile to make sure I was really
    getting the error. I also deleted all my .class files. rebuilt and
    reran with each version to make sure that wasn't causing the problem.


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