RE: Cayenne Newbe Question

From: Andrus (
Date: Mon Aug 05 2002 - 06:13:58 EDT

  • Next message: JR Ruggentaler: "RE: Cayenne Newbe Question"

    Hopefully this one should be easy to fix. Basically you need a lookup table
    for the primary keys in the database. Instructions how to generate it from
    the modeler are given in the User Guide at


    At 11:21 PM 8/4/2002 -0500, JR Ruggentaler wrote:
    > thanks! the initialization problem seem to have been due to the JAXP
    >Version 1.0.1 library I had in my jre/lib/ext directory. I removed JAXP
    >1.0.1 but now I seem to have a problem with generating PKs. My test tries to
    >create a Claim object but Cayenne throws an exception in

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