RE: takeValuesFromDictionary: equvalent

From: Andrus (
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 00:19:00 EDT

  • Next message: JR Ruggentaler: "RE: set method fails on relationship"

    I really need to test this code before jumping to any conclusions, but
    anyway here is an idea. Is it possible that "address" is not registered in
    context at the moment when it is added to the relationship?

    I guess we can implement EOF behavior - quietly register any new objects on
    attempts to assign them to relationships. Maybe not very consistent, but
    rather user-friendly.


    At 11:14 PM 8/18/2002 -0500, JR Ruggentaler wrote:

    > thanks for the updateValues() method. I think it would be a good
    >addition to the framework. I am having a problem with the relationships.
    >After I call updatesValues() and save the changes my relationship does not
    >get set in the database. I even tried calling the Entities set (setAddress)
    >method and I doesn't make a difference. Here is a small piece of the code
    >// Plan not found create plan
    >if (null == plan)
    > plan = new Plan();
    > ctxt.registerNewObject(plan, "Plan");
    > plan.updateValues(insMstr);
    > plan.setAddress(address);
    > ctxt.commitChanges();
    >Is there any reason you can think of why the framework would not save the
    >foreign key in the source table?

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