Re: Could you tell me how to use the InsertQuery class to insert recorde into database.Anxious!

From: Andrus (
Date: Thu Nov 14 2002 - 00:18:08 EST

  • Next message: yadan: "Re: Could you tell me how to use the InsertQuery class toinsert recorde into database.Anxious!"

    At 11:27 AM 11/14/2002 +0800, yadan wrote:
    >Please give me a example of how to do the insert operation,Thanks!
    >And where could I find more example using cayenne?

    Hi yadan,

    Normally you do not need an explicit query manipulation for that. Just like
    our command line tutorial example goes here:

    you would do the operations at the *object* level. For example:

            // create new Artist object - it is ready to become persistent
            // but it is not in the database yet
            Artist dali = (Artist)ctxt.createAndRegisterNewObject("Artist");

            // manipulate object attributes
            dali.setArtistName("Salvador Dali");

            // commit to the database - this is what saves an object to the
            // Notice - no explicit use of INSERT, Cayenne takes care of it.

            // using high enough log level to show the query execution

    Let me know if this answers your question.

    Also, I agree that we need to expand the documentation with many more
    examples. Maybe just write a bigger Cayenne application showing many
    possible scenarios. In the meantime use our tutorials at , and feel
    free to ask questions on this list.


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