getting obejcts, search criteria is date

From: martin ruff (
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 08:40:23 EST

  • Next message: martin ruff: "Re: Survey: usage scenarios/performance/mile stone wishlist"

    it's me again, after I've read all the documentation and the javadocs I
    come along with my question:
    I've got a table:
    CREATE TABLE reportingdates(
    id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    fk_employeeid int4 NOT NULL,
    reportingdate date NOT NULL);

    now I want to get objects for a certain employee in a time frame
    (begindate<= <=enddate)
    what I did:
                    Expression employeeid = ExpressionFactory.binaryPathExp(
                     Expression begindate = ExpressionFactory.binaryPathExp(
                     Expression enddate = ExpressionFactory.binaryPathExp(

                    int operandcount = employeeid.getOperandCount();
                    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("Reportingdates", employeeid);
                    query.addOrdering("reportingdate", true);
                    return theDataContext.performQuery(query);

    beginDate and endDate are of type
    what happens is: the first filter (employeeID) works but the date
    filters do not work, wich means I get ALL entries for employeeID instead
    of ALL entries for employeeID BETWEEN bebinDate and andDate
    by the way where can I get more information about building expressions?

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