Re: strange DataContext? behaviour

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 10:17:24 EST

  • Next message: martin ruff: "Re: strange DataContext? behaviour"

    Hi Martin,

    Let me jump in on that.

    martin ruff writes:
    > Hi Craig,
    > I FOUND the mistake !!!!
    > it was a proplem in the datamap:
    > all other object entities have a primary key definition:
    > (I got those by reverse engineering the database)
    > id integer PK mandatory maxlength 4
    > projects had:
    > id numeric PK mandatory
    > now I changed it to:
    > id integer PK mandatory maxlength 4
    > and now it works:
    > (Projects)theDataContext.registeredObject(new ObjectId(Projects.class,
    > "id",projectsID.intValue()));
    > now returns me a correct Projects object

    Hmm, strange. What database are you using (you may have mentioned this
    before, I just can't find the relevant post now)? May be a bug either in
    Cayenne or in the JDBC driver....

    > one question:
    > maxlength, does this mean 4 digits?

    "4" is the length of the column in bytes as reported by the database. This
    is not the number of decimal digits.

    > and if so, how is this enforced?
    > cause I have entries with id's > 9999 ?
    > for example in the auto_pk_support table for reportingdates the next id is
    > 10100

    It is not enforced by Cayenne. The only place where this is used now is in
    forward engineering - generating the tabels from the DataMap.


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