Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 18:01:34 EST

  • Next message: Javier Ferro: "RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"


    I think I found the problem. Though I couldn't reproduce it locally to
    know for sure. When reengineering relationships, sometimes ResultSet
    produced by metadata object wasn't closed. Since it was reopened in the
    loop for all tables, lots of ResultSets piled up in the memory leading
    to OutOfMemory.

    Your mentioning of "maximum open cursors exceeded" helped me a lot in
    diagnosing this. From my previous experience in Java terms this always
    means "ResultSets are not being closed".

    I fixed it in CVS, and ran our nightly build script manually to make the
    fixed version available immediately. You can grab it from here:

    If you have a chance to try it out, please drop a note to this list so
    that we can close the bug.


    Javier Ferro wrote:
    > Hi again,
    >>Can you give us a bit more info on your setup? How many tables has the
    >>schema, which roles does the user have etc.
    >>For a first countermeasure try to modify line 34 of the modeler.bat script
    >>and insert something like -Xmx96M before the -classpath argument.
    > Ok. I've modified the line 34. And now I get the following error:
    > ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    > I can select the schema, but then it fails.
    > The statistics about my db are:
    > - 26 tables
    > - I have sysdba permissions
    > Regards.

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