Different results using JNDI

From: Eric Schneider (eri..entralparksoftware.com)
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 17:35:35 EDT

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: Different results using JNDI"


    Kind of an odd situation I'm having here. I have an application that has been implemented with cayenne for 6 months now. Recently, we modified the application to use a JNDI datasource. The change was very straightforward. Instead of looking up connection information in the driver file, the factory attribute in the cayenne.xml file was switched to the JNDIDataSourceFactory and the datasource attribute was set to our JNDI name, jdbc/mysource.

    The behavior I'm seeing is extremely odd, but consistent. Using the datasource, certain queries (not all) return no rows. The call doesn't throw an exception, just simply returns the standard cayenne debug output saying "return 0 rows" as if the table was truncated. A query will work perfectly qualified one way, but fails to return anything if the qualifiers are slightly different (but also correct).

    If I copy the SQL that cayenne generates and paste it into SQL plus, it returns records. Also, if I switch back to Cayenne's build in connection pool, it works perfectly. For whatever reason, it just behaves differently. :-|

    Maybe someone that's a little more familiar with the spaghetti innards of cayenne would know why this could be happening?


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