RE: PK Generator Synchronization Problem

From: Merritt, Scott (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 17:54:50 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Dengler: "link same datamap to two different data nodes"

    Here's a thought... I obviously don't know anything about what you guys
    wrote behind the scenes, but since I'm getting my DataContext and
    passing a session object to BasicServletConfiguration... Maybe I get
    the same context, and then there's multiple requests running
    simultaneously, affecting the same context. These two threads are
    modifying the same set of objects and when they write, two commits
    happen after both threads have generated a key for the object? Then the
    two commits try to write the same object?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 2:22 PM
    Subject: Re: PK Generator Synchronization Problem

    > But if this is in fact true, that means Cayenne is completely unusable
    > to me since is very, very easy to screw things up.

    Instead of having a knee-jerk reaction, lets see what went wrong and fix
    it. Cayenne is usable for others, it must be usable for you.

    You are not planning to go to production after you spent 2 days
    a product. While in Beta, Cayenne releases will go out often, since we
    mostly fix bugs and do not introduce new features. Grabing a nightly
    is always an option as well.

    > Ugh. I've spent
    > some time on this and don't want to regret it.
    > Maybe I'll just zip up my whole app and stick it on the bug report.

    For crying out loud, what is the problem here.


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