delete rule, queries

From: Martin Ruff (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 04:39:42 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Ruff: "Re: delete rule, queries"

    actually I have two questions:
    first for some relations I set the delete rule in the modeller to No
    Action, then I get the exception when I try to delte objects with that

    org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: Unknown type of delete
    rule 0

    I digged into the code and saw that in the sitch statement
     there is no case for NoAction
    so is that missing in 1b1?
    cause for some relations I cannot apply the rule Nullify, since they have
    mandatory reverse relationsships. One little question about mandatory
    reverse relationsships
    Lets say I have a 1:1 rel. called ToB from A to B without revese
    relationship and second relation ToA from B to A. if i I call
    and then try to access instanceofA via B (instanceofB.getToA()) will it
    return null?
    I suppose that without reverse relationsship I do have to explicit call
    instanceofB.setToA(instanceofB) that instanceofB.getToA() will actually
    return me instanceofB is that correct?

    my second question is about queries:
    I try to get data rows which have NULL attribute entries, I've tried
    several ways i.e.:
          Expression qualifier =

        SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("CmCompetition",qualifier);
    but I could not get it to work

    thanks for help
    Be the change you want to see in the world.

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