Problem with noMatchExp

From: David Benoff (
Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 12:18:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Problem with noMatchExp"

    I’m a Cayenne newbie, building a small test app and am having trouble
    with noMatchExp. I have an n:m relationship between Users and Teams,
    stored in association table Userteam, which has two columns, a composite
    primary key of teamid and userid.
    Using the following code, I can successfully find all the members of a
    Expression includequal =
    SelectQuery usersquery = new SelectQuery(Users.class, includequal);
    List users = ctxt.performQuery(usersquery);
    So far so good. The query traverses the two relationships correctly.
    Now, I’d like to also find all the members who do NOT belong to that
    team, so I wrote this:
    Expression excludequal =
    SelectQuery usersquery = new SelectQuery(Users.class, excludequal);
    List exusers = ctxt.performQuery(usersquery);
    Which I expected to return all users EXCEPT the users shown in the last
    result set. Instead, I get back ALL users, except those who do not
    belong to ANY team. After much head-scratching, I cannot figure out
    what the problem might be. Problem with my datamap? An anomaly of
    MySQL? Is there some other way to get at the data I want?
    Any tips would be most appreciated.
    Environment is Tomcat 4.1 running against MySQL 4.0.13, with the schema
    generated by the modeler.
    And my datamap:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <data-map project-version="1.0">
                <db-entity name="TEAMS">
                            <db-attribute name="teamdesc" type="CHAR"
                            <db-attribute name="teamid" type="INTEGER"
    isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true" length="10"/>
                            <db-attribute name="teamname" type="CHAR"
    isMandatory="true" length="50"/>
                <db-entity name="USERS">
                            <db-attribute name="pass" type="CHAR"
    isMandatory="true" length="20"/>
                            <db-attribute name="userid" type="INTEGER"
    isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true" length="10"/>
                            <db-attribute name="username" type="CHAR"
    isMandatory="true" length="50"/>
                <db-entity name="USERTEAM">
                            <db-attribute name="teams_teamid" type="INTEGER"
    isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true" length="10"/>
                            <db-attribute name="users_userid" type="INTEGER"
    isPrimaryKey="true" isMandatory="true" length="10"/>
                <obj-entity name="Teams" className="com.db.Teams"
                            <obj-attribute name="teamdesc"
    type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-name="teamdesc"/>
                            <obj-attribute name="teamname"
    type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-name="teamname"/>
                <obj-entity name="Users" className="com.db.Users"
                            <obj-attribute name="pass"
    type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-name="pass"/>
                            <obj-attribute name="username"
    type="java.lang.String" db-attribute-name="username"/>
                <obj-entity name="Userteam" className="com.db.Userteam"
                <db-relationship name="teamuserArray" source="TEAMS"
    target="USERTEAM" toDependentPK="false" toMany="true">
                            <db-attribute-pair source="teamid"
                <db-relationship name="teamuserArray" source="USERS"
    target="USERTEAM" toDependentPK="false" toMany="true">
                            <db-attribute-pair source="userid"
                <db-relationship name="userteamToTeams" source="USERTEAM"
    target="TEAMS" toDependentPK="false" toMany="false">
                            <db-attribute-pair source="teams_teamid"
                <db-relationship name="userteamToUsers" source="USERTEAM"
    target="USERS" toDependentPK="false" toMany="false">
                            <db-attribute-pair source="users_userid"
                <obj-relationship name="teamuserArray" source="Teams"
    target="Userteam" toMany="true" deleteRule="Nullify">
                            <db-relationship-ref source="TEAMS"
    target="USERTEAM" name="teamuserArray"/>
                <obj-relationship name="teamuserArray" source="Users"
    target="Userteam" toMany="true" deleteRule="Nullify">
                            <db-relationship-ref source="USERS"
    target="USERTEAM" name="teamuserArray"/>
                <obj-relationship name="userteamToTeams" source="Userteam"
    target="Teams" toMany="false" deleteRule="Nullify">
                            <db-relationship-ref source="USERTEAM"
    target="TEAMS" name="userteamToTeams"/>
                <obj-relationship name="userteamToUsers" source="Userteam"
    target="Users" toMany="false" deleteRule="Nullify">
                            <db-relationship-ref source="USERTEAM"
    target="USERS" name="userteamToUsers"/>

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