Success Stories [Promoting Cayenne]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 23:11:45 EDT

  • Next message: Sicotte, Hugues (NIH/NCI): "Problems with Oracle adapter in demo."

    Just like any OpenSource project, Cayenne's well-being depends a lot on
    its user community. Simply spreading the word about Cayenne will help
    us *a lot*. So I wanted to ask a favor from the people on this list.

    I am planning to create a page with Cayenne success stories. I know
    there are a lot of new users who maybe just started a Cayenne project,
    or doing an evaluation for the future use. But there are also users who
    successfully deployed their applications using Cayenne as a data layer.
    If this is the case, I would really appreciate you sending some
    information to this list or to my address directly. The information may

       - the link to your website. We need a URL for some credibility of the
    success story. If this is the site running Cayenne application - this
    is perfect; if your application is intranet/offline, still a link to
    the main public site would be nice. Among other things you'll get extra
    exposure on
       - the name of your organization/company/project
       - Short description of the project and its O/R needs.

    Other possible ways to spread the word:

       - Use one of the "Powered By Cayenne" logos located at
       - Writing articles in online and paper Java and database editions
       - On Java/J2EE discussion forums people often discuss O/R choices.
    Don't be shy, mention Cayenne as a great O/R alternative (in fact the
    only OpenSource one that has real mapping tools).

    OpenSource software needs marketing just like anything else :-)

    I appreciate everybody's help.

    Andrus Adamchik

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