Stuck transaction w/MySQL

From: Michael Amster (
Date: Fri Jun 20 2003 - 21:13:19 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Stuck transaction w/MySQL"


    I have a number of cases where I am still trying things out and generate
    some bad queries with MySQL. In such cases it looks like Cayenne is not
    letting go of the transaction. For development I want to be able to
    dump the transaction queue and "restart" Cayenne with a new
    transaction. This is especially true when using AUTO_PK - I will regen
    the model, restart my application, and then when I try a new insert, it
    has the old "bad" query still in the queue.

    Am I missing something obvious? Is there some way to "flush" Cayenne to
    a known state with nothing in the queue? Does it remember the AUTO_PK
    assignments outside the database table in MySQL?



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