can't commit null fk

From: Jean-Paul Le Fèvre (
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 15:53:37 EDT

  • Next message: Laszlo Spoor: "Re: can't commit null fk"

    In a table T1 a column t2_id is a foreign key to the row id of a
    table T2. It is permitted to have null value in this column.

    The relationship is correctly managed by Cayenne : in the java
    code I can get and set non null values for the column but when I try
    to set null value the program itself behaves as expected but the table
    in the MySQL database is not updated.

    I've checked that :
    - the commit() method is called.
    - the modeler shows that the attribute is not mandatory.


    Jean-Paul Le Fèvre * Mail :

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