How to suppress relations ?

From: Jean-Paul Le Fèvre (
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 10:40:21 EDT

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: UpdateQuery"

    I do not understand how to delete an object related to
    another one.

    Say object foo has relations with many objects bar : bar1, bar2, bar3
    In the modeler I specify 'cascade' in the delete rule.
    In my code I call removeFromB(bar2) then commit()

    The program seems to work as expected : foo is no longer
    linked with bar2. But in the database the table bar is not
    updated. If I run the program again the relation
    foo-bar2 is still there.

    Do I have to explicitely delete object bar2 ?


    Jean-Paul Le Fèvre * Mail :

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