Object creation/update:

From: Adrian (kadrianu..ahoo.com)
Date: Tue Aug 12 2003 - 09:10:54 EDT

  • Next message: Eric Schneider: "Re: problem using JNDIDataSource"

    Sorry if this a very basic question, but I dont know what is the best way to solve it.
    I am developening a system that register and updates users:
    Someone enters data in one form...if this data corrsponds to an existing user, it updates the row if not it cretes a new row entry in DB.
    The question is..Cayenne manages by itself the Pk, so: how can indicate Cayenne that it must check for another field (i.e.: userAlias) in order to recognize if this data belongs to an existing user that must be updated or a new one to be added?
    Must I make a select query trying to find this 'userAlias'?...then if this object exists...get it using "DataContext.objectFromDataRow()"...update the field and commit changes...
    Or if it doesn't exist...dataContext.createAndRegisterNewObject("User")...set its attributes and commit changes.
    Is this the correct aproach...or there is a simpler way to get this behaviour?

    Thx. in advance.

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