Re: Updated Tapestry/Cayenne examples

From: Eric Schneider (
Date: Sat Oct 18 2003 - 23:12:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Help: ?Cyclic? Many to Many relationship"


    I've added an additional example of the artist application.

    This version uses two separate projects, Model and ArtistApp. If you plan
    on using Cayenne and Tapestry on a large project, this example will be a
    good start. It could easily be augmented for your own projects. Having the
    Model as a separate project is good idea if you plan to use it with multiple

    The Model project takes advantage "cgen" ant task (the cayenne class
    generator). The cgen task will re-generate your object entity .java files
    if you've modified the cayenne model (*.map.xml).

    So, to get the example running:

    -Modify the ArtistApp/src/model-config/datanode.driver.xml to contain your
    connection information.
    -cd into the Model folder and build, "ant".
    -cd into the ArtistApp folder and build, "ant".

    Note, the ant scripts assume the AritstApp and Model folders are in the same

    Also, ArtistApp project contains additional ant tasks, "deploy" and
    "reload". If you specify a container.home property in
    ArtistApp/ these tasks can be helpful during development.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Andrus Adamchik" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:59 PM
    Subject: Updated Tapestry/Cayenne examples

    > Here is a link to an updated Cayenne/Tapestry tutorial by Eric
    > Schneider:
    > Download:
    > His original post on Tapestry mailing list:
    > Eventually I am planning to update the tutorial distributed with
    > Cayenne with this newest version.
    > Andrus

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