Re: define relations both ways?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Nov 30 2003 - 01:47:43 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Cayenne Featured in DB Magazine, Japan"

    On Nov 28, 2003, at 9:31 AM, Tore Halset wrote:
    > Person<<-->Gender

    > My model is working, but after inserting a person with a gender it
    > looks
    > like a huge select are performed. Perhaps cayenne has to do a
    > select * from person where genderid=1
    > If the inserted person also has a genderid=1? Is it to update the
    > relation
    > from gender to person? How can I prevent it from happening.

    You've worked with WebObjects if I am not mistaken? So this analogy
    might explain some things. A huge select is due to the to-many
    relationship from Gender to Person. When setting person's gender
    Cayenne performs an analog of EOF's
    "addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey", that results in faulting
    the relationship both ways...

    > Should I define the relation both ways in cayenne? Whould my
    > application
    > be faster in any way if i drop the obj-relation from gender to person?
    > What about the db-relationship?

    So answering your question, you must have a DB relationship defined
    both ways, but you should define ObjRelationship only from person to
    Gender, and remove the reverse to-many. There is a few tips in the docs
    (somewhat scrambled). See items 2 and 3 here:


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